GWT 1.4 released

New widgets and libraries

  • RichTextArea, HorizontalSplitPanel and VerticalSplitPanel, SuggestBox, DisclosurePanel, PushButton, ToggleButton, and an enhanced Image widget make advanced applications easier than ever.
  • ImageBundle automatically consolidates multiple images into a single HTTP request.
  • NumberFormat and DateTimeFormat make easy work of complex internationalization and localization.
  • You can finally use java.lang.Serializable with GWT RPC, and the GWT RPC server-side subsystem is no longer intimately tied to servlets. You can easily wire it into any Java back-end infrastructure. Spring fans, rejoice.
  • A new JUnit-based benchmarking subsystem makes measuring and comparing the speed of code snippets as easy as writing unit tests.

New deployment options and optimizations

  • Adding GWT modules to an HTML page is now simple: just add a <script> tag.
  • You can now include GWT modules across domains. Note that including scripts from other sites that you don't fully trust is a big security risk.
  • External JavaScript files referenced from your GWT module load synchronously now, so script ready-functions are no longer needed.
  • Auto-generated RPC whitelist files are now produced during compilation to help catch accidentally responding with objects that compiled GWT client code wouldn't be able to deserialize.
  • The GWT distribution now includes a DTD for the GWT module XML format, making it easier to configure modules in an DTD-aware XML editor.

Posted byEugene at 00:19


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